National Seminar on Crystallography is an annual event organized in
order to provide a perfect platform for the Indian Crystallographers to meet in
one place to discuss the subject crystallography from traditional to emerging
areas. The seminar will focus on new
perspectives to identify new challenges and breakthroughs in the field. The
macromolecular crystallography and crystal engineering have emerged as the
frontier topics in India on par with the world standards. Also the number of
Crystallographers is increasing in India each year. This seminar will provide
an excellent opportunity to the exchange of knowledge and show case of latest
inventions. The main goal is to bring in the next generation researchers in
contact with the subject experts from academia, R & D laboratories and
industries. In recent years, we see an increase in the participation of
industries in the National Seminar on Crystallography. Therefore, the
organizers highly encourage the Research Students’ participation in NSC-38,
Mysore, during Feb. 11-13, 2009, in a large number to utilize this opportunity
to meet the experts drawn from India and abroad. The most leading
crystallographers covering all areas of crystallography have been carefully
selected by the Organizing Committee to deliver Public, Plenary, Keynote and
Invited Talks.