
The prospective participants are requested to submit one-page (A4-size) abstract of their papers along with the completed Registration Form. The last date for the submission of Abstracts is December 15, 2008. The abstracts received after that date will not be considered for the Oral Presentation. The Abstracts received after January 15, 2009, can not be included in the Abstract Book and Abstract CD.

Abstract should contain brief introduction, experimental details and important results. The name of the presenting author should be highlighted with his/her postal and e-mail address. Topic category should be indicated at the right top corner. Abstracts should preferably be submitted electrically to 38nsc2009@gmail.com. Otherwise, original and one copy of abstract should be sent to the Convener, 38th NSC-2009. The submitted abstracts will be screened by the members of the Program Committee to determine their suitability for presentation at 38th NSC-2009. There will be several awards sponsored by various agencies for the young researchers for the Best Posters and also Best Oral Presentations. More information will be provided at a later date. The organizers are also trying to get some Best Poster Awards Subject wise also from various International Agencies and Organizations to motivate the young Crystallographers and make the poster session very interesting and attractive.

Please follow the following instruction.

The abstract(s) should be submitted before the deadline.

Font                       :               Times New Roman
Title                       :               12 pt Bold, centered
Authors                  :               10pt Bold, centered, presenting authors name underlined             
Affiliation               :               10pt Bold, Italic
Normal text            :               12pt Normal

The last date for the submission of Abstracts has been extended to 31st December 2008.